Welcome to the IV suite, a state-of-the-art facility designed to provide the most advanced scientific techniques and treatments to radically improve your health, performance and wellbeing for fast and long lasting health.
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The Osteopathic Center offers comprehensive, patient-tailored IV therapy. We begin with nutritional and toxicity testing that helps us understand the state of your health and the particular areas to treat. We then design your custom-tailored infusion mixing an array of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and in some cases – a combination of more advanced techniques like ultraviolet blood irradiation and ozone therapy, tackling your unique health needs, successfully treating a wide range of symptoms, and aiding in the recovery of many illnesses.
IV nutrients can also be preventive, by strengthening your body’s defenses, as well as anti-aging, by promoting great skin, hair, and nails – helping you look and feel younger. IV therapy is also an excellent tool to prepare for surgery. It decreases the rate of infections, complications, scar-formation, and hospitalization.
Some of the most common conditions treated with IV therapy are:
Our Therapeutic IV blends are uniquely designed to provide a more robust immune system and overall restorative health. We offer custom blends designed to maximize your performance, increase your energy levels, strengthen your immune system, and detoxify your body. We also offer the well-known “Myers Cocktail” (with our twist!) The vitamins and minerals injected in each IV blend supply essential nutrients for normal body metabolism and balance restoration.